Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Project 5 - portrait





  1. In the first photo, I like how you head is off to the side and isn't static. That can be difficult to do. i know i had trouble with that. The second photo shows that you fit in the converse lifestyle.( skater, artistic, edgy) like you go against the norms. I also can tell that it is later in the day due to the shadow. The last photo goes on my thoughts from the second photo with being into skateboarding. The lighting in all of them is good.

  2. I like how how the subject is wearing green to go with the background in the first and last photos. In the first photo, the green of her short and the green of the background help pull the green in her eyes, causing the viewer to focus more on her eyes. I also like how the focus is just on her face and the background is blurred because it helps draw the eye to her face. In the second photo the length and fringe on her jeans leads the eyes to her yellow converse. The contrast between the almost monotone background and the yellow shoes outs all the focus on just the shoes. there are no distractions so the viewer can examine every detail and drawing on her shoes with ease. Choosing a vertical shot puts more focus on the subject and eliminates any unnecessary objects from the background, however I'd try to get a shot without the backend of the car because it takes away from the subject a bit. The slight motion of her hair, the bright day and clear sky, along with her smile create a feeling of lighthearted fun. Overall enjoyed they series!


Final Post - Project 6